If you need to take in a lot of information within a short space of time, you cannot afford to delve into complicated tables or long scientific papers. Graphics such as pie charts or bar graphs might have the goal of making information clear at a single glance but they are often very data intensive. Figures and texts repeatedly get in the way of seeing the whole picture. Computer programs that generate these diagrams, such as Excel, are certainly adequate for private and basic scientific purposes but not for material meant to convince investors, patients or doctors of your ideas.
Conveying complex scientific content, comparisons and unique selling points to a target group in a way that is both effective and easy to understand – in the real world, that objective is missed all too often. Crammed PPT presentations or documents make it difficult to take in information and to remember it for any length of time.
It is, though, not an impossible task to translate comprehensive clinical trial results, prevalence data or statistical values into attractive and comprehensible infographics. Numerous options and styles are available, their quality far beyond what standard software can offer. Infographics convey content fast and with precision. For that reason, they are one of the most efficient, attractive and easy-to-understand opportunities for getting across the core message regarding your product or new compound to your target group.
Let your data speak for themselves – without long-winded explanations. Infographics, whether 2D, 3D or sketched, unfold their effect particularly well as animations or interactively in media formats such as PowerPoint presentations, tablet applications or as part of a film.
We have compiled a few examples for you that demonstrate how, with Visual Storytelling, we have got so much more out of clinical trial results, statistics, tables, comparisons and texts.
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